Mission at Stone Church
By acknowledging the plethora of human need and accepting God’s reliance on each of us to meet that need, members and friends of Stone Church respond not only to local challenges but also to the world-wide plague of human suffering.
Although as needs change, our responses change, we nevertheless have maintained a core of Mission projects, many of which we have supported for decades. Our projects include but are not limited to support for:
The Center, a Utica-based agency serving refugees, immigrants and persons for whom English is not a primary language. This is our newest Mission undertaking and will be developed more during 2024.
Participation in the Clinton Ministerium’s Community programs, most importantly Community Collection Day benefitting The Country Pantry and the greater Clinton community. Ideally we will be able to develop more community relevant programming.
The Country Pantry, our Clinton area food bank. The third Sunday of the month, canned goods, pet food and specially requested items are donated by the congregation. Members also work at the Food Bank during food distribution days and also provide financial support throughout the year.
The Fair Trade Shoppe, located in the spacious basement of the Church, is a major presence in the Clinton community. Our Church members and friends have unstintingly offered their time and talents to create and run this well-stocked and thriving retail establishment. Sale of Fair trade items ensures artisans and small farmers receive fair wages and provide dignity, sustainable development and hope for marginalized people.
Hope House a Utica agency serving meals, shelter and assistance to the homeless, displaced and those unable to care for themselves adequately. At least once a month, Stone Church volunteers help in meal preparation and serving. Throughout the year financial donations are offered and requested personal care items are supplied.
Selected activities by the Presbyterian Church USA including special offerings and disaster relief. Special offerings include One Great Hour of Sharing, Peace and Global Witness and Christmas Joy.
Special projects through the Utica Presbytery.
Mission activities at Stone Church are also dependent on the Stone Church Women’s Association. With tremendous energy and participation, the Association has sponsored a variety of activities that help support and raise awareness of charitable efforts within our community and beyond. Agencies that have benefitted include Abraham House, The Center, The Country Pantry, Hope House, Thea Bowman House, The Neighborhood Center and The Rescue Mission.
The Fair Trade Shoppe, located downstairs in the Church, is one of Stone Church’s primary Mission projects. Please refer to their specific information provided on this website.
Stone Church members and friends are incredibly faithful and genuinely generous. Our Mission activities will be adjusted as we continue to respond to human challenges and suffering both nearby and far away. We are committed to serving within our church and within our community as well as in areas beyond those boundaries. So, to remain current regarding our activities, please check back to this page for periodic updates.
Stone Presbyterian Church
8 S Park Row, Clinton, NY 13323