Open House


2PM to 4 PM

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: From 2 to 4 PM on May 18th , Stone Church will be having an Open House. Most of the church will be open for you to walk through, examine as you wish, and ask questions about. Throughout the church, there will be people to answer your questions and who will share all sorts of interesting and perhaps even weird, stories that are part of the Church’s 220 plus years.

The over 140 year old pipe organ will be opened up so you can walk through the pipes, see how a pipe organ works and hear it played. As usual, a knowledgeable someone will be available to answer questions and offer additional information about the organ, its history and its use in Stone Church. The church’s amazing Fair Trade Shoppe will be open too. In addition to this opportunity to shop, you can hear why and how the shop started and how much it has grown.

Beyond all this within the Stone church building, it will be a good afternoon to spend some time in Clinton. St. James Church, also a beautiful historic church, located a very short distance up Williams Street, is also having an Open House from 1 – 4 PM. Plus the Clinton Historical Society, nearby Stone Church on East Park Row, is open from 1 until 4 on Saturday afternoons. Both Stone Church and Saint James Church have been recipients of funds from the Sacred Sites Landmark Conservancy. Stone Church, a 2023 grant recipient to help fund a new roof, is pleased to be hosting this Open House in part as a thank you for the assistance and generosity of the Foundation.